Clinique de Farako - Bamako, Mali
Clinique de Farako
1 Review
Clinique de FarakoBadianlan 3 Pres du Pont Richard , BP 813(223) 20 22 53 87
Hospital name
Clinique de Farako
Badianlan 3 Pres du Pont Richard , BP 813, Bamako, Mali
Contact number
20 21 52 49
Listed in categories
Clinique de FarakoBadianlan 3 Pres du Pont Richard , BP 813(223) 20 22 53 87
My daughter Grace by my Heart .
had broken her leg in the nearby park area were she was playing.
She had been hit by a car in the nearby area just outside the Park.
Grace had been in Farako hospital since th. 30 july 2013.
Her mother is with her in this difficult times of Grace had told me that the staf and doctors do a great job for the poor child.
now she will soon leave the hospital in a wheelchaire just for a week into she can do her trainning for walking on the leg Again.
Am thankfull to the staff in Farako hospital.
had broken her leg in the nearby park area were she was playing.
She had been hit by a car in the nearby area just outside the Park.
Grace had been in Farako hospital since th. 30 july 2013.
Her mother is with her in this difficult times of Grace had told me that the staf and doctors do a great job for the poor child.
now she will soon leave the hospital in a wheelchaire just for a week into she can do her trainning for walking on the leg Again.
Am thankfull to the staff in Farako hospital.
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