Direction du Commissariat des Armées - Bamako, Mali
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Company name
Direction du Commissariat des Armées
Base Djicoroni, Bamako, Mali
Contact number
+223 20 22 83 60
Company description
The Direction du Commissariat des Armées in Mali (DCA) is a government agency responsible for providing financial and administrative support to the Armed Forces in Mali. It is responsible for the management of the financial and material resources of the Armed Forces and for the maintenance of the necessary equipment for their operations. DCA is also in charge of the procurement of military equipment and supplies for the Armed Forces, as well as the accounting and auditing of military operations. The DCA is a key partner in the security and defense sector in Mali and plays an important role in the country's efforts to maintain peace and stability. By providing effective and efficient financial and administrative support to the Armed Forces, the DCA helps to ensure the security of the
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people of Mali. In conclusion, the Direction du Commissariat des Armées in Mali is an important government agency responsible for providing financial and administrative support to the Armed Forces in Mali, thus contributing to the country's efforts to maintain peace and security.Listed in categories
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